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Abstract (English):
Introduction: the article describes the criminological profile of extremists on the basis of sociodemographic character and socio-role (functional) status. Materials and Methods: the basis of the study is the dialectical method, as a private scientific, the author used the comparative legal, formal logical and statistical methods as a private scientific methods. The methodological tools of the research were statistical data of the Main Information and Analysis Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (MIAC of MIA of Russia) from 2012 to 2017, as well as 40 materials of published judicial practice on cases concerning extremist crimes from 2012 to 2017. Results: the article pays special attention to the social and legal peculiarities of the modern extremist’s profile. Within the framework of this article the legal, labor, family and interpersonal features of the person of the follower of extreme views are considered, and his / her pre-crime behavior is analyzed. Discussion and Conclusions: the article substantiates the view, which considers the key prerequisites for the formation of the present-day extremist’s personality are external social factors that determine the motives for committing extremist crimes.

ekstremizm, lichnost' ekstremista, bezopasnost' gosudarstva, negativnoe social'noe yavlenie
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