The article reveals the concept of appeared relatively recently and rapidly developing areas of advancing socio-economic development (AASED). The relevance of the selected topic is due to the increase in the number of AASED and the need to improve the regulatory legal norms governing the activities of residents carried out in these territories. The author of the work sets the following goal and objectives: to study various aspects of the regulation of economic development of AASED, including issues of legal regulation of entrepreneurial activity (subject composition, various preferences and possible restrictions on the creation of the AASED), as well as to apply to foreign experience of the operation of such territories. Materials and Methods: when writing the article, the author used the following methods: scientific-analytical, descriptive, historical-legal, theoretical-legal methods, study, generalization, as well as analysis and synthesis in the framework of historical analysis. Results: the author studies the legal regulation of the activities carried out in the territories of advanced social and economic development by determining various benefits and preferences for them. Thanks to a borrowed foreign experience we have managed to create areas that are significantly different and superior to particular areas and zones that existed previously, including the Russian Federation. Discussion and Conclusions: on the basis of the analysis, the author comes to the conclusion that for the legal regulation of the activities carried out by residents in the territories of advanced development there is a special legal regime, which differs from the General Legal Regime only in the presence of special advantages, benefits, additional rights and restrictions. As a rule, it is characterized by restriction on the territorial basis and subject composition. During the research the author comes to the conclusion that the current legislation requires improvement in view of the identified shortcomings in terms of legislative regulation.
territorii operezhayuschego social'no-ekonomicheskogo razvitiya, TOSER, pravovoy rezhim, osobye ekonomicheskie zony, nalogovye l'goty, upravlyayuschaya kompaniya, predprinimatel'skaya deyatel'nost', soglashenie, faktor razvitiya i privlekatel'nosti, osobyy pravovoy rezhim, rezidenty
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