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Abstract (English):
The introduction discusses in detail the background, distinctive features of technological changes and risks in the modern world and also social issues, determined by their appearance in the deviantological context. Topicality and the poor knowledge of the chosen research topic. The review of literature gives the information on the range of sources selected for gathering, review and collation of the facts of home and foreign papers on the given issue. The methods of comparativistic, classification and fine analysis of content were used along with general scientific methods. The resulting part describes new aspects and metamorphosis of cyberdeviation and cybercrime, classification of high-tech deviated people under conditions of yet another technological revolution. At the end of the article the general study findings and ways of the further topics for discussion.

deviantost', kiberprestupnost', internet-zavisimost', smartfon-addikciya, komp'yuternyy eskapizm, shoping-addikciya, kiberbulling, kiberbezopasnost', kons'yumerizm, glem-kapitalizm, high-tech-epoha, high-tech-devianty
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