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Abstract (English):
The article discusses the principal stages of establishment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA), reforming of Russia police of in the first half of the XIX century when the basic ways of area of activity of police authorities in provinces were determined. The goal of the research is reconstruction of the development and the state of the staff assistance of police of Kazan province basing on the analysis of regulatory and archival clerical documents in the first half of the XIX century. Materials and Methods: sources of the Complete Collection of Laws of the Russian Empire, National Archive of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Russian State Historical Archive concerning Kazan Police, its activity, staff and material support are researched. Methodology is based on the objectivity, historism, scientificity, consistency. Historical and genetical, historical and comparative, source study methods of proof of the sources were carried out. Results: analysis of regulatory acts and archive clerical documents allowed follow the development of Kazan police after the formation of MIA in the first half of the XIX century. Discussion and Conclusions: the main issues defined by the author which were peculiar to the development of Kazan province after the creation of MIA in the first half of the XIX century: the set of responsibilities were wide and not quite definite, staffing issues relate were among the most important and the most problematic; devote funds were in short supply; few qualified civil servants.

istoriya rossiyskoy policii, Kazanskaya policiya, Ministerstvo vnutrennih del, gubernskaya policiya
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