Introduction: the paper is devoted to optimization of the legal environment of the financial control over the shadow sources of replenishment of resource base of the religious extremist organizations. Materials and Methods: the study is the dialectical method, he basis of knowledge of the phenomena of objective reality. The author in the preparation of the work as a private scientific methods, the author used the comparative legal, statistical and formal logic. Results: in the article special attention is paid to optimization of legal mechanisms for identification and elimination of sources of replenishment of financial resources of religious extremist organizations from foreign foundations and non-profit organizations; financing with the use of modern virtual money substitutes in the Internet; direct financing through affiliated organizations and individuals, as well as self-financing on the basis of norms of religious instructions. Discussion and Сonclusion: the article substantiates the view that the actualization of criminological measures to improve the effectiveness of anti-extremist activities in the country will create the necessary conditions for eliminating sources and channels of financing of extremist activities and provide an opportunity for the implementation of measures aimed at combating the reproducible potential of religious extremism.
religious extremism, financing of extremism, the security of the state, a negative social phenomenon
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