Introduction: the paper is a review of the institute of public opinion as a means of social regulation, interacting with the legal regulators. The main objective of the research is the analysis of public opinion as a factor of the interpolation of law, that is its manipulation and distortion. The study is examining the main provisions describing the theoretical and legal category of ‘‘interpolation of law’’ from the viewpoint of its ratio with the institute of public opinion. The chosen theme is currently central in terms of cash needs in the harmonization and balancing of the processes of strengthening democratic institutions and curb the uncontrolled influence of public opinion on the state law. Materials and Method: the basis of this research is descriptive, analytical methods, methods of formalization and generalization, methods of inductive and deductive reasoning, technical-legal and formal legal methods. Results: the result of the study was the confirmation based on aggregated data hypothesis, postulating a dichotomy of the nature of the influence of public opinion on legal processes: on the one hand facilitates the development of democratic and legal institutions, on the other - provoking interpolation-legal processes. Discussion and Conclusions: as key findings provides a synthesis of the existing in modern science the most promising ways of establishing constructive interaction of public authorities and public institutions.
social regulation, interpolation of law, public opinion, public outcry, the people’s legislative initiative
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